Clifton Recreation Department
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Orlando Martes

Orlando joined the Recreation Department in December 2022. Only being here approximately 15 months Orland has become an integral part of our department managing three important responsibilities throughout the work week. Orlando is a part-time employee in the Recreation Department. His primary job is as a Park Ranger. He was later added to the Health Department Code Blue crew to help with the warming center for the unhoused in Clifton during the cold months. He has worked at many Recreation events and recently he has been given responsibilities as the Site Supervisor at Anzaldi Park.

One day in the fall of 2022 Orlando was walking his dog Coco in Sperling Park. He noticed some kids breaking glass in the park, he talked to them and encouraged them to clean up the park to make it safe for people and pets to use. The Recreation Department staff happened to be at the park at the same time and a conversation began with him and one of the recreation staff, Tom, about getting involved with keeping the parks clean. When there was an opening, we contacted him and it was a perfect fit for everyone.

Orlando came to Clifton in 1986 attending 6th grade at Woodrow Wilson Middle School and later attended Clifton High School. He loves sports and music (especially baseball & wrestling). Outside of the amazing hard work he gives to the City of Clifton, Orland is a licensed Financial Agent with Primerica offering financial advice and educational services to many clients. He is also a Personal Fitness Trainer and a youth minister at his church. When does he find the time?

Orlando is most passionate about being an example for others for the purpose of helping them strive to be better, learn to be selfless and spread kindness to one another. He credits his dad and mom for the example they set before him to always care about others before yourself. Over the years, Orland has changed his outlook on life from “struggling to be the best” to “helping other be the best”! He enjoys having this position with the city and feels that he has learned a lot, especially how to think outside the box. He is grateful and thankful for being selected as the 1st Employee of the Month. Orland hopes that by working with the Recreation Department he will be able to contribute toward making a positive impact on his community and help to bring back “CLIFTON PRIDE”!photo of ORLANDO MARTES